Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Jersey City Resevoir

Over our blogger break we took our first visit to the jersey city reservoir.  This is a park made in a former reservoir that has been closed for decades.   Its so very much under constuction and the walking areas are limited because most of the park consists of the lake and a heavily wooded area that even in the middle of the city is heavily populated with birds and other wildlife.  The reservoir is a popular setting for fishing and kayaking.   On the day we took Norbert it was hard to see too much but you can see the potential for a really love park.  If you live in the area I would encourage you to visit and support the park.  I can definitely see a dog beach on the shore of the lake, its the perfect spot.

On a very sad note we were heart broken to learn that our friend Gretta from the Idaho Pug Ranch passed suddenly at a very young age.

At times like this I can think of nothing to say, but every time a someone passes I am reminded of this quote from Carl Sagan, one of my heroes.


  1. Oh isn't it fun exploring new places, and in urban areas these wee parks are so precious and deserved to be treasured.
    Toodle pip!
    PS We were so sorry to hear about poor young Greta, although we didn't know her well.

  2. That looks such a beautiful place. I think it can be a really great park!
    I am so sorry for your friend Gretta. Sincere condolences to her family..

  3. Looks like a fun place to go and explore. We too our so sorry about Greta but great quote. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. I just love your page! I just lost my little black pug, Miss E., and its nice to see their little pug faces. I look forward to more of your posts!


  5. Thank you for mentioning our sweet girl.
    Bailey & Hazel

  6. thank you for sharing the beautiful verse.

  7. I don't know if I would ever get to the East Coast-I really want to. And Carl Sagan, I bet you watched Cosmos also.

  8. That looks like a lovely spot. Nothing like a good walk out in nature.

    What a lovely saying. We are so sad about the loss of Greta.


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