but I still enjoy decorating my urban home for the Holidays every year. I generally collect much more vintage clothing then I do knick knacks and home wares, but over the years I have gathered a sizable collection of kitschy vintage holiday stuff. In fact in our home I say we celebrate Kitschmas.
The number one Kitschmas requirement is of course a tree in a color never found in nature: pink, white, or silver. I've been in love with such trees every since I saw Edward Scissorhand's at age 12 and begged my horrified mother for a tinsel tree, she said no.
As soon as I grew up and got my own home I bought a vintage 1960s tinsel tree. I loved that tree:
Sadly though it lost more and more tinsel each year until it had sizable bald patches and I began to worry about the dogs or cats ingesting shedded tinsel. So last year I tossed it.
At first I planned to buy another vintage tree but in my research I learned lights on vintage aluminum trees are a major fire hazard (obviously I hadn't known that). So I decided to go with the Vermont Country Store's reproduction tinsel tree that is pre-lit and fire safe. The tree retails for for 170 dollars in the 6 foot option and ships quickly with no extra charge.
Initially when I opened the box I was a little disapointed because the trees material is very different from the 1960s original, but then that is probably why it is fire safe.

Once I got it up and decorated though it started to grow on me. Silver is the perfect background for Star Trek ornaments and I have a lot of those (we celebrate Trekmas in our house too.) My latest ornament is the Gorn Captain, I got it at the Star Trek Convention in Cherry Hill and I gave it a prominent spot on the tree. Nothing like Christmas with the Gorn.
I have a lot of talking Star Trek Hallmark keepsake ornaments that John has gotten me over the years too and I never tire of listening to them. The Tribble one is my favorite.
I have some mid century blown glass ornaments too. I just got this little pipe cleaner angel on a pink ball for a dollar.
I had to take a selfie with the tree when I had finished decorating it. You can see some of the blown glass ornaments I inherited from my mother in law.
Once I saw the tree lit I had no more doubts. I love it! It's really, really bright.
Isn't it pretty?
Of course the tree is just one part of the Kitschmas decorating. I had to put up the dog and cat stockings.
I was so excited when John got me this Colonel Sanders album, I had wanted it for years.
The card on the end was made for me by a former student, my favorite ever. I almost cried when I found it.
I also have a 1960s Christmas Dream Pet poodle, its so cute I want to leave it up all year.
My all time favorite decoration though is my geeky garland, its my one and only somewhat successful crafting attempt.
Three years ago used photo shop to make myself cards form all of my favorite shows. I posted about it here. Talk about geeky!
What are your favorite Holiday decorations?