Sunday, May 8, 2016

Silent Film Sunday-Happy Mother's Day

I'm a pet mom and not a human baby mom but I've always had a soft spot for this early silent fllm by the pioneering Lumiere Brothers.  Filmed in 1895 Baby's Meal (french titel Repas de Bebe) shows a cheerful couple feeding their baby.  I love films like this showing every day occurences from over a century ago.  Things change, but the important things stay the same.


  1. This is such a sweet film. I agree, things change but important things stay the same. You are such a great mom to your fur kids. Happy mother's day!!

  2. I love this, thanks for the silent film fix.

  3. I love it! My favorite part is when the baby squints into the wind. <3

  4. Perfect clip for the occasion! Happy Mother's Day you wonderful pet mom Katherine! <3

  5. Such an immensely sweet piece of incredibly early cinematic history. Thank you very much for sharing this gem, sweet Kate.

    xoxo ♥ Jessica


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